Saturday, March 25, 2017

A Girl's Best Friend: The Tess Brookes' Guide to Leaning In and Living Out Your Best Life

A Girl's Best Friend by Lindsey Kelk


"Tess is going to shoot Sadie and James tomorrow," Angela explained. "She's a lifesaver."
from the look on Cici's face, I had to assume she did not agree.
"Angela, I know it's Christmas," she replied without taking her eyes off me. "And it's time for charity and all, but do you really think this is a good idea? Can we really not find a professional?"
If we hadn't been on the millionth floor of a skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan, I would have dug a hole in the ground, crawled into it and tried my very hardest to die. All the fight and fire I'd felt while convincing Angela to take a chance on me melted away in front of this very mean girl.

"So much of getting ahead nowadays is believing in yourself and you seemed pretty bloody convinced of yourself in my office yesterday or I wouldn't have given you the job. You can't let someone like Cici bring you down. There are an awful lot of those in this world."

"We can sit here all night and kiss your ass. But if you just want to wallow, there's nothing anyone can do for you."

"There are going to be a lot of people telling you you're shit, either because they're jealous of you or because they really think it. You have to be able to go out there with your photos and say, "oi you, look at my photos, they're amazing," no matter what anyone else says, not only when people are nice to you."

Review: "A Girl's Best Friend" by Lindsey Kelk

"A Girl's Best Friend" (AGBF) is the third and final part of the A Girl series by Lindsey Kelk. By the time I saw it in the bookstores I didn't even have to read the blurb before I was sold. The first book, "About A Girl" (AAG), was really special for me, because it taught me that if you have to plan out every single detail of your life, you might just be in the wrong plan. The second one, "What A Girl Wants", (WAGW) was equally meaningful in the sense that you don't want people in life who only treats you as an option until something better comes along. The third one here pretty much wrapped everything together with a nice Christmas bow, because it's about being and staying true to yourself when the going gets real tough.

 "I'm not saving the world, I'm not curing cancer. Should I stop?"

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"The Keys to Life Are Running And Reading." - Will Smith

The key to life is running and reading.
Why running? When you’re running, there’s a little person that talks to you and says, ‘Oh I’m tired. My lungs’ about to pop. I’m so hurt. I’m so tired. There’s no way I can possibly continue.’ You want to quit. If you learn how to defeat that person when you’re running. You will learn how to not quit when things get hard in your life. Running! The first key to life.
Reading. The reason that reading is so important, there have been millions and billions and gazillions of people that have lived before all of us. There’s no new problem you could have, with your parents, with school, with a bully, with anything. There’s no problem that you could have that someone hasn’t already solved and wrote about it in a book.
So the keys to life are running and reading.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Little Introduction ...

{ No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, Philippians 3:13 NLT }

Hey you,

Thanks for visiting my blog.

My name is Stacia but usually I go by Stace.

I used to have a blog for many years now. It included stuff I've kept way back when I started blogging for fun when I was 11.

Today, I've decided to count it all as history. Well not exactly this day as I'm writing this, but as in after around 9-10 months thinking over whether I want to keep a public journal online or not, I've decided to discard everything that are no longer a part of me.

I really wish I am a blank slate but I'm not (hence the blog name Blank Stace).

There are things about myself that I'd like to forget - character traits that I've outgrown, stuff I no longer identify myself with.

Because today, I identify myself as, first and foremost, God's daughter; the rest is secondary.

Through this new identity and priority, He has changed me in many ways for good.

Now, I'm always looking forward to discover new ways I can be a better woman, a better daughter, a better wife, a better sister, and a better human in general.

Though I know I'll never be perfect, by grace through faith I know through the Cross my shortcomings have been covered.

Looking back, the things I used to treasure are completely different from the ones I do today.

So bear with me as I migrate the important memories from the old platform to this present one. As I said, I think you deserve to know that I've been doing this virtual migration for more than half of my life across different platforms.

But this time, I know it's on a stable foundation.

Thanks for your kind attention. Hope to connect with you soon.

Love, Stace