Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Only Thing You Need to Consider When it Comes to Love [Migrated Post]

Most of us grew up with the idea that picking mates wisely means running with a comprehensive checklist whenever we’re getting to know our suitors: Good character, stable job, etc.

As a result, we build ourselves up along the way in order to meet those criteria. When we’re full-grown adults, we want to be equal to the partner we idealize in our heads.

But have you ever considered who’s going to be there when all else is gone?

Most things in life are fleeting. It’s like the unpredictability of the stock market: What goes up will eventually come down. When you’re not being very lovable, those times when you’re behaving like a child, when you no longer have your good job, good looks, good status and social standing to maintain, when you can no longer get up and move around on your own feet, who’s the one willing to be around?

I used to think it’s so important for my future spouse to have all the right things, all the enviable things. Things like wits, good looks, big humor, big vigor and big heart. But all that will never amount to anything if he isn’t the one who accepts every last trace of you as the love of his life.

So today, I’d like to suggest this: Find someone who will cherish you even at your worst. His presence will continue to inspire you to become your very best.

Love, Stace