Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The New "Normal"

The new normal is not easy.
The new normal is saying goodbye to a full night's uninterrupted sleep.
The new normal is having to wake up twice a night to pump.
The new normal is that being lazy is no longer an option.
The new normal is having someone who needs you not just to thrive, but to survive solely on your milk.

The new normal is having just enough me time in order to restore the energy to give more.
The new normal is the ability to stop whatever you're doing at any given time to just be in the moment, attend to, and be present for someone else.
The new normal is being fine if nothing goes according to your schedule.
The new normal is about becoming more flexible.
The new normal gets easier quicker than you think.

The new normal is finding ways you never thought you could to calm your own storms in order to soothe someone else.

The new normal is that you're willing to do things you'll never do, go as far as you can go, feel things you've never felt and forget everything else, just so you can the best that you can for someone else.

What's not normal is someone calling you "mama"... something I'm still not used to hearing, something I'll probably never get tired of listening.