Friday, February 8, 2019

Money Talk: For Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Heart Be Also

My most prized treasure

Gosh, I haven't been posting much. I've been so disorganized from the months since I gave birth and I can literally feel the weeds growing in my soul.

Speaking of weeds, that's what hubs and me were talking about last night. Thursdays are our quality time, by the way. It was one of the fewer times we talked about money in a positive and productive way. And I shared with him my most recent experience with tithing and my own behavior. Seems like for the past week all I do is prune, prune, prune.

So it all started when I decided to invest the Money Lover premium app on a lazy afternoon (one of those when I nest on the sofa while the baby is napping, scrolling and scrolling my phone endlessly to avoid all problems) to keep track of everywhere our money goes, except for the tithing commitment I made to myself. And just like that, out of nowhere I received this enduring energy to clear up our space, reorganize everything, design a garden plan for our balcony, cook every day and night, give more pocket money for the nanny and helper, do the night shift without help on continuous nights, found untapped resources for my little business on the side, and still have daily facials in-between. Plus in my free time, all I can think about was, Hmmm, how can I give away this much? What can I do with this amount of money? Instead of I want this, I want that, but I don't have enough. I was actually becoming more productive with my finances and I brought along the productivity into important areas of my life.

It seems like the Matthew 6:21 verse For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also is speaking directly to me.

While money is not my sole treasure, I believe it is the primary vehicle for mobilizing various aspects of life. And once you've stored the most important treasure first before everything else, God immediately fulfills His promise to take care of the rest himself. It's not just a simple subtraction from your wallet, but more of a multiplication from the amount of heart you give in. And I'm glad to embark upon this transformational journey that shoots me from the self-validation mindset, which is nothing but a prison, to one that focuses on other people more.

Someone once said to me that there are two types of people: On the one hand there are those that think the world is made up of people who can make it and people who can't. On the other, there are the rare people who believes there are only people who can help and people who cannot help. I highly suspect God is trying to change me from the first to the latter with this "treasure management" experience ...

The next challenge? I think it's going to be time management ... which is probably way harder ...

Anyway, thanks for reading :) I hope this post inspires you one way or another.